2016-17 Intermediate Singles/Doubles League Info


Dates of Play

October 2016- April 2017
Time to be Determined

Pricing Info

$20 per player+tax singles ($22 if no annual fee paid)
$12 per player + tax doubles ($14 if no annual fee paid) 

2 hour match includes bottled water and new tennis balls

How the League Works

A league for intermediate players, men and women. The league is a "scramble" format. Anyone who wants to simply shows up to play. The day and time for the league will be determined by the players. As of now, there is a choice of 3 or 4 different times. The format of the league will depend upon the number of players who come to play: if there are 4 or 8 players that show up, doubles is played; if 6, a court of singles and a court of doubles; and if an odd number, one of us at the club will fill in. 

A reminder email and/or text will be sent to players a day or 2 before the league is scheduled for planning purposes. 

**** Note the great deal ... a 1.5 hour price for 2 hour matches: ****




West View Tennis Center
"It's All About the People"

518 Fairmont Road
Morgantown, WV 26501
